Subtle Body Press already has a few more projects to announce this year, but we’d like to add one more. As such, we are searching for a novella-length work of fiction or creative nonfiction to fast-track for release. Please note that only works that have not been published previously in any form, in whole or in part, will be considered.


Show us something we haven’t seen before—but make it substantive and accessible. Practically speaking, we are fond of experimentation, counterculture, transgression, the occult, weird theory, weird fiction, speculative fiction, magical realism, slipstream, social satire, subversion, and horror that feels like an art-house film or has a body horror bent. But don’t limit yourself. We’re open to being pleasantly surprised, so give us your best and surprise us.


Works between 25000 and 30000 words are preferred, with 35000 words being the hard cap. But suppose you have a piece with visual and/or typographic peculiarities or a “book object” project where such design elements significantly impact the layout. In that case, we will consider as little as 18,000 words.


Subtle Body Press will acquire the exclusive worldwide right to publish the chosen work in English in book form, digital/e-book form, and audiobook form.


The author will receive a royalty and an advance against royalties, the terms of which will be determined during the contracting phase.


Please submit your work in PDF or DOCX format to A synopsis or query is unnecessary, but please give us your name and contact info and direct us to the social media profiles you are active on and your website (if applicable).

We look forward to reading you.