mapping hell QR
1. For those looking to delve deeper into Jasun’s work, we’ve compiled all of the books in his Hell Mapping saga below. We recommend reading them in order for the full effect. Tap on the covers for links to purchase.
2. …Jasun also orchestrates the enigmatic “Land Made Man” project…
Tap the GIF to explore the Land Made Man site.
3. …trauma-genesis” (…) which refers to the intentional creation of trauma.
Trauma is often seen as a byproduct of suffering, but what if it could also be a tool—or even a weapon? This is the premise of trauma-genesis: the deliberate use of trauma to hijack and reprogram the human mind.
Central to this concept is dissociation, a psychological mechanism that allows the mind to fracture under pressure. The DSM-5 defines dissociation as “a disruption and/or discontinuity in the normal integration of consciousness, memory, identity, emotion, perception, body representation, motor control, and behavior.” It exists on a spectrum, from everyday experiences to severe disorders.
Consider “highway hypnosis”—the phenomenon of arriving home with no memory of the drive. If you weren’t the one consciously driving, who was? This common example illustrates how the mind can operate autonomously, hinting at the existence of hidden “others” within us.
But dissociation isn’t always benign. In cases of extreme trauma, it becomes a survival mechanism. Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), is one such outcome. In DID, the mind fragments into distinct identity states, each taking control at different times. The DSM-5 notes that DID “…may be described in some cultures as an experience of possession.” A key diagnostic criterion is “recurrent gaps in the recall of everyday events, important personal information, and/or traumatic events that are inconsistent with ordinary forgetting.”
The connection between trauma and dissociation is well-established. Severe trauma, particularly in childhood, often triggers dissociation as a coping mechanism—a way to psychologically escape the inescapable. Studies show that approximately 90% of individuals with DID report histories of severe childhood trauma, such as sexual abuse or neglect. These experiences disrupt normal cognitive and emotional integration, leading to the development of distinct identity states.
When “fight or flight” isn’t an option, the mind may default to a freeze response, reducing autonomic reactions and numbing pain. This evolutionary survival tactic, which mimics death to deter predators, mirrors the dissociative states seen in trauma survivors. It’s a psychological escape hatch, but one that comes at a cost: fragmented memories, disjointed identities, and a mind vulnerable to manipulation.
This vulnerability is precisely what programs like the CIA’s MK-Ultra sought to exploit. Declassified documents reveal a litany of illegal abuses conducted by the CIA on un-consenting American civilians: sleep deprivation, electroshock therapy, isolation chambers, extreme doses of LSD, sexual abuse (including of children), physical torture, and death threats. Many of these techniques were refined using methods from Nazi concentration camps, with the goal of creating mind-controlled spies and assassins.
The implications are clear: trauma can be weaponized. A fractured mind can be reprogrammed. And while the majority of the MK Ultra documents were destroyed under CIA Director Richard Helm’s order, the surviving records offer a glimpse into the dark potential of trauma-genesis.
Click the images below to read through some of the declassified documents.
4. …I looked into prehistory a little bit through Brian Hayden’s book about secret societies…
Tap the cover below to purchase.
5. Your brother, Sebastian Horsley, a famous artist and self-proclaimed hedonistic dandy…
Sebastian Horsley cultivated a persona so outsized it bordered on myth. A Victorian dandy resurrected in modern Britain, he blurred the boundaries between life and art, treating his existence as an endless performance. Radiating dark charisma and razor-edged wit, he captivated journalists and critics alike, embodying an idiosyncratic blend of bohemian excess, decadence, and theatricality that clashed defiantly with contemporary norms.
In August 2000, Horsley traveled to the Philippines to stage his most infamous stunt: a self-crucifixion conceived as conceptual art. Rejecting painkillers, he allowed nails to pierce his hands and feet, only to lose consciousness when the cross’s footrest collapsed. Reflecting on the act, Horsley remarked:
“Christ was crucified to save mankind, I was crucified to save my career. Both of us failed.”
Horsley consciously embraced the profane, systematically violating societal taboos in a lifelong performance of transgression. His memoir, Dandy in the Underworld, details a life of hedonistic overindulgence and sexually degenerate behaviors, all pursued with reckless abandon—admissions that likely suggest even darker transgressions (though he would surely shy away from admitting anything overtly incriminating). He spoke candidly and romantically about his love for crack and heroin, alongside boasting of sexual encounters with over 1,000 prostitutes
In one notorious incident emblematic of his disregard for boundaries, Horsley mailed graphic photographs to celebrities, friends, and family members. The images depicted him naked, mounted over a quadruple amputee he encountered in a clandestine brothel, his erect penis penetrating her vagina. The package included a note reading:
“If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.”
In Dandy in the Underworld, Sebastian describes the encounter in colorful detail:
This time the brothel was a dungeon surrounded by churches ... I had been given a password to get me through the pearly gates ... I wanted hardcore. I was taken into a dark chamber ... The dregs of human bodies dragged themselves around me. This was the shambles of human life. The wrecks of carcasses salvaged from the genetic battlefield ... And in the far corner, lying on a bed in an alcove, lay a beautiful amputee. She had no arms. And no legs. She was my choice. We came together in our coupling, flailing my four limbs and her four stumps like some giant insect. What on Satan’s earth was I doing? I looked down at her. There’s so much to say, but your eyes keep interrupting me ... This was a woman who needed someone to feed her, to pick her up, to clean her. I had fucked her.
The question of whether Sebastian’s transgressions extended beyond performative debauchery into more severe criminal acts—rape, murder, or pedophilia—remains unanswered.
Examining Sebastian’s circle of friends, one can’t help but be suspicious. Among his closest associates was the infamous Jimmy Boyle, a notorious ex-mafia enforcer, debt collector, and convicted murderer whom Sebastian idolized with near cult-like devotion. In Seen and Not Seen, Jasun quotes his brother’s reflection on the relationship:
Bovle was an imposing person, with a self-confidence bestowed upon him by the violent edge that made others cower. When he gave commands there was nothing to do but obey. For me, he took the place of an absent parent. He knew just how to frighten and to be tender, a method of persuasion whose efficiency has been proved for thousands of years in the relations of parent to child. What I loved about Jimmy was that he allowed me to express forbidden impulses, secret wishes and fantasies. He seduced me because he did not have the conflicts that I had. As a leader he wiped out my fear and permitted me to feel omnipotent.
More hints of Sebastian’s darker predilections emerge in his correspondence with the Kray twins—infamous British gangsters—and Myra Hindley, the Moors Murderer convicted of raping, torturing, and killing children alongside her partner Ian Brady. In a letter to the Kray’s, Sebastian writes:
Better still, it had been revealed that she and Brady had killed far more children than was originally thought ... Sarah [Boyle] had been advising the pair for years to come clean. [Hindley] was a vicious torturer. But my letters still began “Dear Myra.” ... Naturally, my sympathies were with the criminal rather than the victim. They were so much more glamorous. Besides, Jimmy had told me: “It takes two tae make a murdah, ah’m telling ye. Thirs are born fuckin’ victims, born to have thir throats cut.”
A disturbing conversation between Jasun and his brother is referenced in Seen and Not Seen, where an argument between the two escalated into a debate about whether “sticking a penis into a baby’s mouth would be harmful to the baby.” Sebastian’s stance was that there would be no wrongdoing in such an act. Jasun recalls, “I thought he was crazy.”
The conversation takes on an even darker hue when considering Jasun’s expressed suspicion that his brother’s childhood transgressions toward him may have had a sexual element.
Despite Sebastian Horsley’s well-documented connections to London’s criminal underworld and occult figures like Genesis P. Orridge and David Tibet of Current 93, Jasun Horsley alleges that his brother reacted with anger and dismissal whenever topics of occultism, satanic ritual abuse, or ties to criminal networks were raised—regardless of the evidence presented. Reflecting on this dynamic, Jasun remarked:
I always believed that my brother was dismissive, even contemptuous, of my interest in satanic conspiracies and occultism because he simply didn’t know enough about it. In the years since his death, however, I have started to wonder if it was because he knew too much.
Exploring the possibility of Sebastian’s more illicit and heinous secret life, one quote of his hints at these potential predilections more than any other:
You need deep resources of character, resilience of mind and spiritual stamina to make of decadence a virtue. But this was vicious. I had thought that the soul should be made monstrous. That to let this happen one must assume the mask of the beast. But was it a mask? Or had I become a beast? The idea was horribly exhilarating.
Reflecting on all of this, Jasun writes:
If Sebastian wanted to take moral turpitude as far as it could be taken, “to turn decadence into a virtue” and “make the soul monstrous,” it’s hard to imagine that illegality would have presented an obstacle. Going to prostitutes and taking drugs was not something he could get arrested for confessing; but what else might he have been involved in that he couldn’t talk about, not only because of legal consequences but also for fear of reprisals from those involved? Were there things he was sworn not to tell anyone? I can only imagine, but my imagination goes a lot further than anything hinted at in his memoirs (though I think he did hint at it to me, even if I didn’t realize it at the time). I can also imagine that, if there were things he couldn’t talk about, things he was ashamed of but also, in his strange, dark fashion, proud of, how irritating that would have been for him. In this context maybe the incident with the amputee, and his choice to rub everybody’s nose in it, was a way for him to really shock people to horrify them and see how much he could get away with (children do it all the time), without admitting to anything illegal or seriously compromising? When you have a secret password to enter a sex dungeon in Amsterdam guarded by dwarves, there’s probably a whole lot more on the menu than amputees...
Horsley was found dead at his London home on 17 June 2010 of a heroin and cocaine overdose.
6. …but [the darkness] was also implicit in the case of your grandfather, Alec Horsley, who was not only the founder of Northern Foods, but a fabian society member who would frequently brush shoulders with many powerful and shady figures, some of whom were most definitely involved in things like organized child abuse, and in a few cases possibly ritual abuse.
Jasun’s grandfather, Alec Horsley, founded the British food manufacturer Northern Foods in 1937, which, as of January 11, 2025, holds an enterprise value of £1.27 billion. He was also a founding member of the Hull branch of the Fabian Society, whose crest features a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Jasun hints at his grandfather’s darker character early in Vice of Kings, stating:
My grandfather posed as the soul of virtue and community values but behind the scenes he was a ruthless businessman and something much more than that.
This stark contrast between Alec’s public persona and his true nature—the polished image of a respectable figure that conceals a cold-hearted man with criminal connections—embodies the duplicity represented by the Fabian Society and its emblem of a wolf disguised as a sheep.
The Fabian Society presents itself as a British socialist organization dedicated to advancing social democracy through gradual reform. However, it occupies a central role in the “New World Order” conspiracy narrative, complicating a comprehensive exploration of its conduct over the past 140 years.
Jasun further notes:
In my grandfather’s day, Fabian Society members advocated the ideal of “a scientifically planned society,” which included “eugenics by way of sterilization.”
It doesn’t require extensive research to recognize that the Society has cultivated an extensive and almost unimaginable network of influence across various industries, including education, medicine, religion, and entertainment, and has been publicly associated with eugenics research and funding since its inception.
In Vice of Kings, Jasun Horsley sought to uncover evidence of sexual abuse within his family. His investigation took a pivotal turn when he discovered his grandfather’s Fabian connection and the affiliation of two schools he and his siblings attended. His research spans nearly 300 pages. I will only provide a condensed overview of the initial findings from the first few chapters:
The Fabian Society, influenced by Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, evolved from the Fellowship of the New Life, which was founded in 1883, the year of Marx’s passing. From its inception, the Society attracted prominent figures into its ranks, such as literary giants George Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wells, theosophist Annie Besant, physicist Oliver Lodge, and social psychologist Graham Wallas, among others.
Educational reform and social engineering were significant endeavors for the Fabians. In school teacher John Taylor Gatto’s book, Underground History of American Education, Gatto writes:
To speak of scientific management in school and society without crediting the influence of the Fabians would do great disservice to truth, but the nature of Fabianism is so complex it raises questions this essay cannot answer. To deal with the Fabians in a brief compass as I’m going to do is to deal necessarily in simplifications in order to see a little how this charming group of scholars, writers, heirs, heiresses, scientists, philosophers, bombazines, gazebos, trust-fund babies, and successful men and women of affairs became the most potent force in the creation of the modern welfare state, distributors of it characteristically dumbed down version of schooling.
George Bernard Shaw declared the ambitions of Fabian educational reform to create a minster of education with:
…control over the whole educational system, from the elementary schools to the universities, and over all educational endowments.
This is a vision reflected in their involvement with the formation of England’s Labour Party in 1900 and subsequent global expansion throughout 1930-1940.
The Fabian Society’s reach and influence can be partly evidenced by historical financial associations, such as billions of dollars in loans from the Rockefellers (David Rockefeller wrote his senior thesis on Fabianism at Harvard) and the founding of the London School of Economics (LSE) by notable Fabians, funded by powerful figures like Lord Rothschild, who served as their third president.
Moreover, the Society’s involvement in controversial social programs, particularly those related to the sexualization of children, has raised critical questions. Figures like sexologist and eugenicist Henry Havelock Ellis, a founding member of the Society, were among the first to take an academic interest in child sexuality and pedophilia. His research not only directly influenced Nabokov’s Lolita but also impacted educational frameworks, as evidenced by a Cornell University syllabus in the 1990s titled “The Sexual Child,” in which Havelock was included. Even more troubling are the connections between the London School of Economics and the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE).
Ultimately, an Occam’s Razor approach suggests viewing the Fabian Society as a group engineered by elite aristocrats aimed at consolidating power to create a scientifically controlled society that serves their own class interests, all while concealing their motivations behind a progressive agenda for social democracy—a wolf in sheep’s clothing, if you will. However, fully understanding their impact requires a nuanced exploration that goes beyond simplified, sensationalist portrayals.
If you're interested in delving deeper into this topic, click below for a blog dedicated to Fabian conspiracy.
7. You retain somatic memories and sensations, but you don’t have a narrative
This tension between bodily intuition and cognitive ambiguity defines Jasun’s decades-long reckoning with his childhood. In his writings, he meticulously reconstructs fragments of a past steeped in bohemian decadence—a world of drunken parties, strangers flowing through family homes, sexual licentiousness, and his grandfather Alec Horsley’s fascination with criminality (it was in fact Alec who introduced Sebastian to “Scotlands most dangerous man,” Jimmy Boyle.
In Dandy in the Underworld, Sebastian recounts a pedophile friend of their grandfather’s who fixated on the young Jasun, describing him as “one of those faces of marvelous beauty which stopped strangers in the streets.” Sebastian notes the man’s presence at family gatherings, writing, “a pedophile invited into the family’s circle could hardly be expected to be indifferent.” Jasun himself reflects on how stories of this man’s “clumsy attempts at fondling me under the dinner table were told with amusement by my parents”—an unsettling normalization of predation masked as progressive openness.
At points in his work, Jasun describes experiencing strange somatic symptoms: random onsets of rectal pain and bleeding, medically unexplainable, that he speculates could be echoes of suppressed trauma.
Horsley’s physical symptoms align with contemporary trauma research, which posits that the body can store memories of harm even when the mind dissociates. Psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk The Body Keeps the Score describes how trauma survivors often experience “visceral echoes” of unprocessed events, such as chronic pain or gastrointestinal distress, tied to hyperactivation of the insula—a brain region linking bodily sensations to emotions. Similarly, Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing framework suggests that trauma manifests as “stuck” physical energy, requiring body-based therapies to release.
Horsley’s rectal pain, absent medical cause, mirrors cases in Ruth Lanius’ neurobiological studies Trauma and the Body, where survivors of childhood abuse exhibit heightened somatic awareness without narrative recall. As van der Kolk writes:
…trauma is not just an event that took place sometime in the past; it is also the imprint left by that experience on mind, brain, and body.
8. Then there was a phase of trying to escape into being a filmmaker and move lover, writing about movies…
During the time of this interview, Jasun was in the midst of production on a new film titled Light of Dead Stars.
The film is said to be about:
“A falsely-awakened spiritual seeker winds up as an accidental serial murderer when every woman he touches dies of unknown causes. He is hunted by a police detective whose grasp on reality slowly comes unravelled in the face of inexplicable evidence.”
You can find out more about the film by clicking the cover below.
9. …at my substack, Children of Job…
Click below to visit the substack
10. Since Vice of Kings, we have seen many more scandals, with P-Diddy being the most recent.
Years of whispers about Sean “Diddy” Combs’s behavior culminated in an explosive lawsuit filed in early 2024 by music producer Rodney Jones (aka Lil Rod). Jones’s suit, backed by hundreds of hours of video and audio evidence, alleges a vast network of sexual exploitation, including the systematic grooming, rape, and blackmailing of artists and celebrities attempting to make it in the industry, the rape and trafficking of minors, physical violence, and more. These allegations, stemming from months spent living and working with Combs on the Love album, are so disturbing and unbelievable they read like a grotesque parody of reality.
Tap the document below to access a full PDF of the suit.
The implications of the Rodney Jones lawsuit extend far beyond Diddy himself. The inclusion of Lucian Grainge, CEO of Universal Music Group (UMG)—the world’s largest music company—as a defendant directly implicates UMG in Diddy’s crimes. The lawsuit alleges Grainge’s attendance at UMG-sponsored parties where underage minors were drugged and assaulted. Crucially, the lawsuit alleges that every room, across all of Diddy’s mansions where these parties took place, was monitored by hidden cameras.
Grainge’s complicity suggests a potential network for procuring blackmail footage of numerous figures in the music industry and Hollywood engaging in illegal sexual activity. This pattern bears striking similarities to the Epstein case, raising serious questions about the scope and reach of this criminal enterprise.
11. Heads do roll, but that’s always strategic.
Jasun’s observation points to a calculated strategy of sacrificing individuals (patsys) to protect power structures. The resignation of Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, a seasoned political insider with a distinguished career (including her role in evacuating Vice President Cheney during 9/11), following bipartisan criticism of the security failures during the Donald Trump assassination attempt, exemplifies this.
While ostensibly addressing security concerns, Cheatle’s departure also deflected attention from numerous inconsistencies and unusual aspects of the event, suggesting a possible broader conspiracy. These include Secret Service’s seeming to ignore to multiple pre-incident warnings and sightings of the shooter by both attendees and local law enforcement, the counter-sniper’s delayed response, the absence of security on the only potentially vulnerable building, and the alleged shooter Thomas Crooks’s surprising appearance in a 2022 BlackRock commercial.
The deliberate sacrifice of an individual to maintain political stability is directly analogous to philosopher René Girard’s theory of “the scapegoat.”
Communities facing internal conflict often select a single person to absorb collective guilt and blame, thereby releasing pent-up tensions and violent drives to temporarily restore order. This process, however, often obscures the deeper, systemic issues that fueled the conflict in the first place. In this case, the forces and individuals potentially trying to orchestrate an assassination.
12. …the Dutroux affair in Belgium in the ‘80s and ‘90s—that was more horrific, by far, than Jeffery Epstein or even Jimmy Savile, and vast numbers of people in Belgium were aware of it.
Jimmy Savile was a prominent figure in British media and entertainment, renowned for his BBC television show Jim’ll Fix It, his work on Top of the Pops, and his extensive charitable fundraising, estimated at £40 million. At the time of his death, he enjoyed widespread admiration and was showered with numerous accolades, including an OBE, a knighthood, and even a papal knighthood. However, the posthumous revelation of hundreds, possibly thousands, of allegations of sexual abuse—spanning five decades and encompassing victims ranging from five to seventy-five years old—exposed a horrific shadow to Savile’s public persona, establishing him as potentially Britain’s most prolific predatory sex offender.
While rumors circulated during his lifetime, allegations were largely ignored or dismissed, with accusers often facing legal action from Savile. The extent of Savile’s alleged predatory behavior, however, points towards a larger criminal network of alleged complicity involving not only media and entertainment but also government, law enforcement, and possibly even the intelligence community. The fact that Savile was given access to hospitals and other institutions, where many of the alleged abuses occurred, further underscores this. The shocking revelations of necrophilia add another layer to the horrific nature of his crimes and the extensive failure to hold him accountable. The stripping away of only a few of Savile’s honors after his death exposes the national complicity in allowing this extensive pattern of abuse to go unchecked for decades.
The Dutroux Affair—a series of child abductions, rapes, torture, and murders in 1990s Belgium—stands as one of Europe’s most grotesque examples of institutionalized evil. While Marc Dutroux was convicted in 2004, the case unraveled to expose a vast pedophile network implicating Belgian police, politicians, business elites, and even royalty. What began as the crimes of a lone predator revealed a sadistic subculture protected by power.
The police investigation was catastrophically mishandled: critical evidence vanished, witnesses were ignored, and Dutroux’s victims died in his basement during stalled raids. Over 20 witnesses and investigators died under dubious, and often ludicrous circumstances before they could appear before courts. Public outrage erupted in 1996 when 300,000 Belgians joined the “White March,” demanding accountability for Dutroux’s victims and an end to judicial corruption.
Central to the case was Regina Louf (codenamed “X1”), a survivor whose testimony laid bare the network’s scale. Louf claimed she was trafficked from age 4 by her family, including her grandmother—a former police commissioner’s widow who ran brothels—and sold to businessman Tony Van den Bogaert. By age 11, she was forced into elite sex parties where politicians, judges, and businessmen abused children, filmed for blackmail. Louf testified that Dutroux was a supplier who frequented these parties, drugging girls for his own use, while his accomplice Michel Nihoul—a businessman with elite ties—rewarded associates with access to victims. She named murdered girls like Christine Van Hees, Katrien De Cuyper, and Carine Dellaert, whose bodies were later found. Her accounts included being ordered to kill Christine Van Hees herself—a hallmark of perpetrators weaponizing victims to ensure silence.
Louf’s testimony was corroborated by chilling precision. She mapped a disused Brussels mushroom farm’s layout—wallpaper, sinks, ceiling hooks—later confirmed by police. Her description of Katrien De Cuyper’s murder aligned with autopsy findings, leading officer Rudi Hoskens to admit: “She gave details impossible to know without being there.” Yet her claims were systematically dismissed. Judge Jean-Marc Connerotte, who championed her testimony, was removed from the case for attending a victims’ fundraiser where he accepted a plate of spaghetti—a pretext to sideline him. His replacement, Anne Thily, labeled Louf a “fantasist,” halting raids on elites she named.
Nihoul, meanwhile, reveled in his impunity. In a chilling BBC interview, he declared: “I am the monster of Belgium,” boasting that he would never be prosecuted, claiming to possess incriminating information that, if released, “would bring the government and the entire state down.” A parliamentary inquiry (1996–1998) concluded the case exposed “systemic failures” but named no conspirators. The unspoken truth? Dutroux was a pawn. His crimes served elites who exploited Belgium’s institutions to shield themselves—a blueprint echoing Jimmy Savile’s reign in Britain
For a google doc full of research materials on the case, click here
For a meticulously researched deep dive into the Dutroux conspiracy, watch researcher and podcaster Colin Browen’s documentary below.
13. UNESCO’s “Comprehensive sexuality education” allows for the sexualization of infants from age zero onward to be physically sexually handled in the educational system to keep them from being “sexually repressed.”
A documentary seeking to expose UNESCO’s CSE agenda can be found on Jasun’s youtube channel.
14. Something that has always perplexed me is the concept of “predictive programing.”
For an interesting examination of the different dimensions of the predictive programming model, check out this write up by Paul Wagner.
15. “Adam Curtis hints at this concept in his documentary, Hyper-Normalization, where he shows a montage of late-90s disaster films leading up to 9/11, focusing primarily on scenes of attacks on NYC and the destruction of the Twin Towers.”
You can watch the full documentary here.
16. “The scenes in the movie (White Noise) were eerily identical to the news coverage of the real event.”
17. “Could it (Black Mirror) serve as a warning or, (the same question could be asked about Brave New World) a conditioning agent for future events?”
Aldous Huxley’s popular dystopian novel Brave New World (1932) depicts a scientifically and medically controlled transhumanist society eerily prescient of contemporary trends. To put this prophetic novel into context requires understanding the Huxley family’s profound and long-lasting influence on science, medicine, the arts, and literature.
For over 150 years, this prominent English family shaped scientific thought and public discourse. Figures like Thomas Huxley, known as “Darwin’s Bulldog” for his fervent advocacy of evolutionary theory, and his son Julian, a leading evolutionary biologist and the first Director-General of UNESCO, were instrumental in shaping modern understandings of science.
Julian, Aldous Huxley’s brother, is also widely considered to be the founder of transhumanism, having coined the term and first outlined the concept in a 1957 essay titled “Transhumanism” where he discussed the potential for humans to improve themselves through social and technological advancements. His involvement in Brave New World’s creation helps explain the novel’s remarkable predictive power.
In his 1962 lecture, “The Ultimate Revolution,” Aldous Huxley reflected on his novel and the future it portrays—a future being shaped by powerful families, including his own. He saw Brave New World not as fiction, but as a reflection of a scientifically and medically controlled society, one whose characteristics increasingly mirrored reality in the three decades since its publication. This dystopian vision bears a strong resemblance to the Fabian Society’s aims.
18. There’s something about human consciousness thats like an operating system—or rather, narratives are like the operating system for human consciousness.
The assertion that “narratives are like the operating system for human consciousness” resonates powerfully with Jean Baudrillard’s concept of simulacra. Baudrillard argues that in postmodern society, signs and symbols become detached from their original referents, creating copies without originals—simulacra. Our individual and collective narratives, the stories we tell ourselves and are told about the world, can be seen as precisely these simulacra. They are not direct reflections of an objective reality but rather simulations, representations that, in Baudrillard’s view, have become more real than the reality they purport to represent.
Our consciousness, therefore, does not operate directly on the world but rather on these narrative simulations. We inhabit a hyperreality constructed by the stories we internalize, a realm where the distinction between representation and reality is blurred or nonexistent. This hyperreality, shaped by media, culture, and personal experiences, profoundly influences our perceptions, shaping our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. In Baudrillard’s terms, we are left navigating a landscape of simulacra, potentially losing sight of any underlying “real” altogether.
Click the cover below to purchase.
19. “With scenario planning, NASA was using science fiction, including known science fiction writers, to create scenarios in line with what NASA had in mind for the future.”
Interestingly, the methodology of scenario planning was devised in 1940, Herman Kahn, a researcher from the infamous Rand Corporation. This article explores it’s origins in more detail.
20. “I remember hearing, perhaps it was from Jordan Maxwell, that even the name Hollywood is derived from the wood of the holly tree, which the druids used to make their wands from.”
This has been verified as a factual statement. Check out this paper by David Vanderper for more information.
The Jordan Maxwell lecture referenced can be watched below.
21. I think of William Burroughs and his cut-up method.
22. “We could talk about things like Black Rock and Vanguard now making it nearly impossible to acquire homes, Monsantos acquisition of farmlands, and all these forces making it harder and harder to purchase land, go off the grid, and gain independence from the techno-industrial system.”
BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, controls trillions of dollars in assets—in 2023, over $10 trillion—giving it unparalleled influence over global markets and investments, including real estate. Vanguard, another massive investment firm, similarly wields enormous financial power, with trillions of dollars in assets under management. The combined influence of these two firms significantly shapes investment decisions and real estate markets, making it increasingly difficult for individuals to compete for land ownership. Their investment strategies often favor large-scale developments, further limiting opportunities for independent land acquisition.
Monsanto, now part of Bayer, has long been criticized for its role in consolidating control over the agricultural sector. While precise figures on farmland acquisition during the COVID-19 pandemic are difficult to obtain due to the complexity of land ownership records, numerous reports indicate an acceleration of land consolidation during this period. Factors such as market volatility, supply chain disruptions, and increased demand for certain crops contributed to this trend, giving large corporations like Monsanto increased leverage in acquiring farmland. This consolidation reduces the number of independent farmers, limiting access to land for those seeking self-sufficiency and increasing corporate control over the food supply. The convergence of these powerful financial institutions and agricultural giants is creating a landscape increasingly hostile to those seeking independence from the techno-industrial system
23. “Then you have Bill Gates with his mosquitoes and mRNA on the other end…”
What Jasun is referring to is the convergence of two seemingly disparate yet interconnected initiatives: the release of genetically modified mosquitoes and the development and rollout of mRNA vaccines in the United States. Both initiatives have involved significant funding and support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, raising concerns about potential unintended consequences of tampering with nature and the concentration of power within private philanthropic organizations.